September 19th 2009, 10am to 4pm
Events room 1 & 2 @ the HUB, Wintec
WLUG have scheduled a series of presentations on a wide variety of subjects:
10 am: Free Software and You -- JohnBillings,
BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge
A tour of the best programs and how to use them. Stuff that is on the OpenDisc.
11 am: Free and OpenSource Software in your business -- GrahamLauder
A guided excursion through essential FOSS software for the Small / Medium Enterprise, Not for Profits and NGOs., The OpenSource Office Productivity Suite. Including the features and advantages of OOo over similar proprietary office software, implications of the G2009 deal and MSFT in schools, Free software in Accounting, Linux Terminal Services, desktop publishing, graphics production and more. This could be the most profitable hour for your business/NFP/NGO this year
12 noon: The Free Software Environment -- (Speaker still to be confirmed)
How free and open source software is good for all.
1 pm: Gaming on Linux -- CairoKingsbury
A variety of FPS Games that use the Open Source ID-Tech3 (Quake3) game engine. Some are similar to the original Quake3, others very different.
2 pm: Photography -- RonDean
From 35mm to the GIMP
3 pm: Setting Up Your Own WebServer -- LizQuilty
Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP + MailServers + PackageManagement + WebInterfaces = profit!
4 pm: Free Culture Film Screening -- FloydWilde
Hosted by Floyd a volunteer broadcaster for Community Radio Hamilton, his show
New It Make! deals with Copyright, the Creative Commons, the Public Domain, and Free Culture.
There will be demos and short presentations throughout the day in Events Room 1. Businesses and organizations are invited to have a display and demonstrate how they are using FOSS or contributing to it's development.
An InstallFest is a chance for users new to Linux and open source software to bring their computers to have Linux installed on them at no charge by experienced users, as well as providing a supportive environment to ask questions, try out the software and get any technical problems resolved.
A barcamp is an open, participatory event or “unconference”, with content provided by all those attending. That means you, yes, you can sign up on this page:
And give a presentation on anything your excited about, and just itching to tell people.
We are organizing a number of topics including Music/Audio programs, Software Patents (why they are bad), Commercial Viability Of Free/OpenSource Software, Free Culture, LCA10 and more as part of our SFDBarcamp. Anyone can sign up and give a talk on something they are interested in, though the talks must have some general connection with Free/Libre/Open Source software.
Feel free to browse through our web site:
Enquiries about this event may be directed by mail to or phone call to 021-214-1196.
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