Annotated edit history of SELinux version 9 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
4 KerryThompson 1 [SELinux |] is a [Linux] kernel addition and userland toolset used to provide mandatory access controls between subjects (users, processes) and objects (files, devices). [SELinux] has been adopted into the [Linux] 2.6 [Kernel], and will feature in the upcoming FedoraCore 2 LinuxDistribution. [SELinux] is avaliable for most LinuxDistribution~s, but most require additional work.
3 StuartYeates 2
4 KerryThompson 3 The project is guided by the [NSA], the American National Security Agency.
3 StuartYeates 4
5 StuartYeates 5 Generally speaking, __[SELinux] is not an option for the home or casual user__. Unless security is the sole reason you're migrating to [Linux], it's unlikely to be suitable for your first install.
7 See also:
3 StuartYeates 8
9 AristotlePagaltzis 9 * [Kerry Thompson's Unofficial SELinux FAQ |]
10 * [Kerry Thompson's SELinux resources |]
11 * [Faye Coker's Getting Started HOWTO for Debian and Fedora |]
12 * [Russell Coker's SELinux resources |]
13 * [Tom Vogt's SELinux 2.6 kernel installation guide |]
The following authors of this page have not agreed to the WlugWikiLicense. As such copyright to all content on this page is retained by the original authors. The following authors of this page have agreed to the WlugWikiLicense.

PHP Warning

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