
Differences between version 7 and previous revision of RedHatNotes.

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Newer page: version 7 Last edited on Sunday, August 10, 2003 4:29:12 pm by AlastairPorter Revert
Older page: version 1 Last edited on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 11:28:32 pm by GreigMcGill Revert
@@ -22,4 +22,10 @@
 The fix (unlikely as it seems) is to upgrade the glibc packages to those in RawHide. Yes. ''Even though'' the major version changes... I was dubious about doing this at first, but all has gone well. 
 This fault nearly drove GreigMcGill insane. Many thanks to JohnMcPherson, PerryLorier, DanielLawson, and all the others on that stressful day on irc... 
+!My [MP3]s don't work!  
+One day, long ago, all was going quitely in Linux land. Suddenly, an [article|] appearen on Slashdot, claiming that all Music players that played [MP3] files had to pay a royalty fee to the developers of the [MP3] format to use the decoder.  
+But was this the truth? Days later, another [article|] surfaced, saying that free deocders had never had to pay a licencing fee and never would have to. But the damage had been done. RedHat, in their quest to not get sued, removed all [MP3] decoders from the music players in their distrubtion. To play [MP3] files on Xmms, you have to install an [MP3] plugin. The xmms [website|] has rpm packages that you can download and install to bring your [MP3]s back. But we all know you should be using [Oggs | OggVorbis] anyway......