Annotated edit history of RFC version 8, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
8 LawrenceDoliveiro 1 An [Acronym] for __R__equest __F__or __C__omments. A set of specifications published by the [IETF].
2 WikiAdmin 2
3 Internet Standards, Information, Best Common Practises, and other related stuff. Heavy reading, but if you want to know how the Internet works, there is no other way.
5 AristotlePagaltzis 5 Also has some humorous ones, like RFC:1149 or [HTCPCP]/RFC:2324.
4 GreigMcGill 6
7 Of particular interest is the Best Current Practice sub series: [BCP|]
2 WikiAdmin 8
5 AristotlePagaltzis 9 Wiki handles RFCs, to refer to an RFC like so, RFC:1918, just type __!RFC:1918 __
7 IanMcDonald 10
11 A good place to look at RFCs is as it tells you whether the one you are looking at has been replaced by a later one.
6 StuartYeates 12
13 ----
14 CategoryStandards