Annotated edit history of Quagga version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 PerryLorier 1 Quagga is a fork of the [Zebra] routing daemon. Quagga originally consisted of the -pj patchset to Zebra, and was created because of a difference in beliefs between the Quagga developers (Faster development == more features, and faster bug finding and fixing) and the Zebra developers (Stable development).
3 A lot of people tend to use Quagga these days when they need a Linux machine to participate in a routing network. Quagga's growth in the last year or so has been huge, seeing development of many new features as well as a lot of code cleanups.
5 A Quagga is a now extinct creature that is closely related to a Zebra.
2 JohnMcPherson 6
7 ----
8 !!Configuration
9 These notes are for observations on Debian Sarge.
4 JohnMcPherson 11 Quagga uses the files in <tt>/etc/quagga/</tt>. By default, there is only a <tt>daemons</tt> file and a <tt>debian.conf</tt> file.
13 You MUST enable ''zebra=yes'' in the <tt>daemons</tt> file if you want any routes to be actually used!
15 I wanted to use [BGP], so I copied my old <tt>bgpd.conf</tt> from zebra, changed the log file entry in it from <tt>/var/log/zebra/bgpd.log</tt> to <tt>/var/log/quagga/bgpd.log</tt> and made the file readable by the quagga group (since quagga has its own user and group in Debian). I also had to enable ''bgpd=yes'' in the <tt>daemons</tt> file.
17 Read the notes in the <tt>daemons</tt> file for the necessary file permissions on the *.conf files. In practice, it will work with just __quagga__ group read permissions, but the __quagga__ user needs to be able to write to the file if you want to be able to save configs.
2 JohnMcPherson 18
19 When you use the <tt>vtysh</tt> program, it wants your user's normal login password, not a configured quagga password or anything.
3 JohnMcPherson 20 You can create (and configure) an <tt>/etc/quagga/vtysh.conf</tt> file, and give a
21 <pre>
22 <tt>log file /var/log/quagga/vtysh.log</tt>
23 </pre>
24 entry. Note that the <tt>username ''user password''</tt> given in the example config file doesn't seem to do anything.
2 JohnMcPherson 25
3 JohnMcPherson 26 I think you need to have have "<tt>line vty</tt>" entries in each daemon's config file.
2 JohnMcPherson 27
28 There are example files in <tt>/usr/share/doc/quagga/examples</tt>.
5 PerryLorier 29
30 ----
31 !!Notes
32 ! interface tewh: ospf_read authentication type mismatch.
33 You have an md5 vs no auth on your link. check your configuration for typos
6 AlastairPorter 34
35 ! How vtysh works
36 <pre>
37 18:27 <@mattb> telnet localhost 2601 will take you to zebra
38 18:28 <@mattb> telnet 2605
39 18:28 <@mattb> will take you to bgpd
40 18:28 <@mattb> vtysh will take you to Quagga's integrated shell
41 18:28 <@mattb> which combines the interface of zebra and whatever other quagga
42 daemons you have running
43 18:29 < Remosi> I think you've gotta admit
44 18:29 < Remosi> that part of quagga is rather uh quirky
45 18:29 <@mattb> I quite like vtysh
46 18:29 <@mattb> the telneting into a particular port for a particular daemon bit
47 18:29 <@mattb> is a bit quirky
48 18:29 < Remosi> yeah
49 18:29 < Remosi> vtysh isn't too bad
50 </pre>