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Oliver Jones aka orj.

Owner of DeeperDesign and general code grunt.

I don't actually live in the Waikato, I live in Taupo. I went to WaikatoUniversity and graduated with a BSc in SoftwareEngineering. I read the Wlug mailing list and help out newbies etc. I'm always interested in advocating the use of Linux or any other OS that isn't created by MicrosoftCorporation... ;)

My GnuPG PublicKey is here:

would you mind wiki'ing about your experience about games? which run under wine (and which varient), which run natively (and how you can get them?), which kinda run, and why.... -- PerryLorier

Why certainly.... LinuxAndGames.

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike LicenseOliverJones has agreed to the terms of the WlugWikiLicense.


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