Blame: MyersBriggsTypeIndicator
Annotated edit history of MyersBriggsTypeIndicator version 49, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
39 AristotlePagaltzis 1 Myers-Briggs type theory is a toolset for talking about personality and is based on the work of early 20th century psychologist Karl Jung.
3 This [online Myers-Briggs test |] seems good as online MBTI tests go, but it's still nowhere near as comprehensive as the genuine MBTI instrument and even that claims only 85% accuracy. The individual is the best judge: if a description doesn't seem to fit, then it's probably wrong.
5 <?plugin OldStyleTable
6 |v^ __Name__ |v^ __Myers-Briggs Type__ ||||^ __Strength of preferences__
7 |^ __E/I__ |^ __N/S__ |^ __T/F__ |^ __P/J__
46 zcat(1) 8 | AdrianKitto | [ENTP|] |> 89 |> 22 |> 78 |> 33
39 AristotlePagaltzis 9 | AristotlePagaltzis | [INTP|] |> 100 |> 56 |> 33 |> 44
10 | AlexandraMcGill | [ISTJ|] |> 67 |> 22 |> 56 |> 44
11 | AndrewJohnson | [ISTJ|] |> 22 |> 22 |> 56 |> 44
12 | BlairHarrison | [INFP|] |> 100 |> 44 |> 44 |> 11
46 zcat(1) 13 | BruceKingsbury | [ISTP|] |> 78 |> 1 |> 38 |> 11
39 AristotlePagaltzis 14 | ChantalThomson | [ESFJ|] |> 78 |> 33 |> 78 |> 33
15 | CraigBox | [ENTP|] |> 89 |> 44 |> 1 |> 11
16 | CraigBox * | [ENTP|] |> 89 |> 56 |> 1 |> 22
17 | CraigMckenna | [INTP|] |> 100 |> 67 |> 1 |> 11
18 | DanielLawson | [ENFJ|] |> 44 |> 39 |> 11 |> 1
19 | DavidHallett | [ENTJ|] |> 89 |> 44 |> 11 |> 33
20 | DavidMiller | [INFJ|] |> 89 |> 89 |> 78 |> 44
21 | DrewBroadley | [ENTP|] |> 11 |> 56 |> 1 |> 11
22 | GianPerrone | [INTJ|] |> 22 |> 56 |> 44 |> 1
23 | GerwinVanDeSteeg | [ENTJ|] |> 1 |> 44 |> 22 |> 11
24 | GreigMcGill | [INTJ|] |> 44 |> 22 |> 22 |> 11
43 IanMcDonald 25 | IanMcDonald | [INTJ|] |> 44 |> 25 |> 88 |> 78
39 AristotlePagaltzis 26 | JamesSpooner | [ENTP|] |> 33 |> 78 |> 67 |> 33
27 | JamesSpooner * | [ENTP|] |> 33 |> 78 |> 78 |> 44
41 JaredWigmore 28 | JaredWigmore | [ISTJ|] |> 89 |> 1 |> 44 |> 33
39 AristotlePagaltzis 29 | JohnMcPherson * | [ENTJ|] |> 1 |> 56 |> 67 |> 89
46 zcat(1) 30 | KathrynChaytor | [ISFJ|] |> 67 |> 25 |> 25 |> 44
42 LawrenceDoliveiro 31 | LawrenceDoliveiro | [INTJ|] |> 44 |> 38 |> 12 |> 6
39 AristotlePagaltzis 32 | MattBrown | [ENTJ|] |> 61 |> 33 |> 56 |> 78
33 | MichaelBordignon | [ESTJ|] |> 11 |> 56 |> 33 |> 33
49 OrionEdwards 34 | OrionEdwards | [INTP|] |> 33 |> 50 |> 12 |> 22
39 AristotlePagaltzis 35 | PerryLorier | [INTP|] |> 100 |> 33 |> 50 |> 22
36 | RaymondBurgess | [ENTP|] |> 67 |> 56 |> 11 |> 11
37 | SamJansen | [ENTJ|] |> 11 |> 56 |> 44 |> 44
47 SimonGreen 38 | SimonGreen | [ISTJ|] |> 33 |> 1 |> 25 |> 44
39 AristotlePagaltzis 39 | StuartYeates | [INFP|] |> 33 |> 78 |> 11 |> 100
46 zcat(1) 40 | VerneRoberts | [ENTJ|] |> 67 |> 50 |> 25 |> 33
39 AristotlePagaltzis 41 ?>
43 ~* (re)performed test while drunk
45 We're eventually going to graph this using a Gray Code single bit inversion, or something similar.
47 !! External MBTI related links
49 * [Description of all 16 types |] (Murray State U.)
50 * [Another descriptions site |] (~TypeLogic)
51 * [Short intro to MBTI theory |]
52 * [Type dynamics: preference order |]
48 IanMcDonald 53 * [Another Myers Briggs test |]