Wireless Networking and Linux, Monday 23rd June.
This presentation was by CRCnet, part of the
WAND Research Group in the ComputerScience Department at WaikatoUniversity.
The meeting was well attended with around 40 people present, some coming from Auckland and Rotorua.
JamieCurtis and MattBrown gave an excellent presentation, which included the following main areas (sorry if I got the order wrong):
This was followed by a presentation from Roger De Salis about plans for a high-speed backbone between the major centres, up to 64Gbps between Auckland and Christchurch, linking most of the universities, and for VoIP phones.
After mingling, the meeting adjourned to the tea room for hot drinks and plenty of chocolate biscuits.
Many thanks to CRCnet and the WandGroup for sponsoring the cost of the room booking.
Present: Daniel, Jamie, Craig B, Craig M, Perry, Greig
Apologies: Bruce, Phil
Absent: Kim, Gavin
Meeting opened at 7:03pm.
Motion: that minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting
Moved Jamie
Seconded Daniel
Motion passed
Daniel has written letter to S. Gupta - to be sealed and posted by Craig B.
Craig Mckenna has talked to ASB - we were incorrectly set up as a cheque account instead of a society account. This has been fixed and we will be credited.
There is interest in Linux classes in Raglan - Greig is to bring this up at the meeting. The WLUG would like to officially thank CRCnet and the WAND group for their sponsorship of this meeting.
Next meeting: BruceKingsbury - Windows replacement software for Linux
MatthewLuckie has expressed interest in a FreeBSD presentation for the month after.
Meeting closed at 7:12pm
See also OldMeetingTopics and CommitteeMeetingTopics for previous meetings
2 pages link to MeetingTopics.2003-06-23: