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Wikipedia defines a "Kernel" as:

The central module of an operating system. It is the part of the operating system that loads first, and it remains in main memory. Because it stays in memory, it is important for the kernel to be as small as possible while still providing all the essential services required by other parts of the operating system and applications. Typically, the kernel is responsible for memory management, process and task management, and disk management.

which I don't think is a very good definition. A kernel in my mind is something which manages the computers resources (memory, disk, processor time etc) and abstracts the hardware.

fortune(6) defines a Kernel as
kernel, n.
a part of an operating system that preserves the medieval traditions of sorcery and the black art.

Anyone got anything that they think they should add to this definition?

Linux is an example of a MonolithicKernel, while TheHurd is an example of a MicroKernel

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