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WlugMember plugin ldap error: missing php ldap?

Hmm... about me. I'm a human (although many who know me may dispute this), and I'm 19. I was a PHP and MySQL Application Developer at BusinessSystemsDevelopments, but I'm now suppressing my inner geek and training to be a Teacher.

Although I still consider Hamilton my true home, I'm currently living in Tauranga. I like curry and lime flavoured milk. I've only ever attended one WLUG meeting, because WLUGers scare me.

I am a recent convert to MacOSX on a 17" PowerBook?, replacing my dual-boot MicrosoftWindows and Ubuntu machine. Blame NickJenkin for that one.

Nick: theEd

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike LicenseEdLinklater has agreed to the terms of the WlugWikiLicense.


lib/main.php:944: Notice: PageInfo: Cannot find action page

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