Location: Linz's place (3 John-Webb Drive)
Server(s) status
Held at 3 John Webb Drive (8.10pm - 9.20pm)
Not Present:RodAldridge,JamesPluck
The previous minutes were inspected and agreed as correct
Moved LindsayDruett; seconded BruceKingsbury: To approve the minutes as of the 17/03/2008. Carried
No correspondence had been received
Discussions surrounding proposed CD distribution
Intend to order 100 CD: 75 for i386 and 25 for AMD64
Library Display
The library has been booked for a display in the 2 week prior to Sept 20th
PB Tech
Intend to approach PB Tech for the loan of 6-8 machines to demonstration purposes
Installfest Gateway
Gateway Christian Centre on Victoria St is booked for an InstallFest. Cost $150
BruceKingsbury has agreed to approach previous committee members with access to the membership register on hoiho in order to establish the present status of the club membership and in conjunction with
JamesPluck, email a reminder notice to present and past members and invite them to update their status and pay their membership dues.
JamesPluck has an extract from Hoiho of all currently known members and whether they have current or expired subscriptions. Working on a list to email out reminder notices for this year. --
BruceKingsbury intends to contact Ted about WLUG and the computers in homes project (Update; had a good talk, working on making ingots-based IT training available to community groups through St Paul's Methodist Centre to support the use of Free alternatives such as OOo, and 2020 trust are very interested in pursuing a FreeGeek-style reuse/recycling program)
One of the hard drives on hoiho is reporting failures
Moved BruceKingsbury;seconded LindsayDruett:To approve the purchase, if neccessary of a replacement hard drive for hoiho. Carried
(Update: 120 Gb HDD purchased - $99 incl GST from PB Tech --
BruceKingsbury intends to contact JamieBaddeley? about securing some rack space in the Government Life Building and ask for some ip addresses to allow Korora to function as a back up server and general play server for learning and experimentation. (update; probably not going to happen - Bruce)
ChrisOhalloran reported that a PO Box was $115 per annum. The committee felt that in view of low volume of mail, perhaps a better/cheaper postal address might be within the Waikato University Computer Science Department. BruceKingsbury intends to contact TonyMcGregor, Dean on Computer Science (sent an email, no reply yet)
JohnBillings agreed to investigate the price of embroided T Shirts for promotional material for WLUG
LindsayDruett intends to confirm Mark Williams of Linksys to speak on their linux based products for the June Meeting.
No page links to CommitteeMeetingTopics.2008-05-19.