Meeting at James's place, 31 Aberfoyle Street. 7:30
Meeting opened 7:40
Present: IanMcDonald, BruceKingsbury,
JamesPluck, SimonGreen, ChrisOhalloran, RodAldridge
Apol: LindsayDruett
Prev minutes: Simon/Ian - Carried
Treasurers report: Balance same as last month, petty cash $60.90
Correspondence: none
Server issues: Daniel has replaced drives and relocated server, and reports that a third drive may now be faulty. Simon is working on mailserver and firewall.
Future meetings: Only two planned, Bruce still to confirm with Phil Harrison. Aug we might get Graham Lauder who is part of the marketing team. Sept will be the AGM. Oct and Nov remain open.
Next Saturday workshop: Possibly IT Training again. Bruce will phone Lindsay tommorow and ask about Gateway.
SFD: Hamilton Public Library display and Installfest. No display in Centreplace this year.
Meeting closed 8:30
Next meeting 16 July, Chris's place, 7 Wiremu St.
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