Committee meeting, Lindsay's, 3 John Webb Drive, 19 March 7:30
Opened 7:40
Present: IanMcDonald, LindsayDruett, BruceKingsbury, SimonGreen, ChrisOhalloran, RodAldridge, CairoKingsbury
Apologies: JamesPluck
1) Previous Minutes
Approved Simon / Ian
2) Treasurers report
Opening Balance $1487.70. Income: $0. Expenditure: $0. Closing balance: $1487.70 (No mention of petty cash)
3) Correspondence
Nothing received. Letter thanking IT Partners for donation of projector and use of equipment on SFD to be sent by Ian in the next few days.
4) Server status
Nobody knows if the new drives have been installed, or if we have a second cert for mail. But at least the wiki's still up.
5) General business
1) Upcoming meetings Apr 11 Craig Nevill-Manning will present a linux/google topic on the university marae.
May 28 LindsayDruett on Asterisk (and Cisco)
2) Workshop Most likely will be at Glenview Activity Center. Bruce to contact them.
3) Library To be discussed on the mailing list.
4) SFD event, Newb presentation and Installfest - start thinking about this now.
8:40pm meeting closed. We may skip the committee meeting in April. Next meeting to be discussed on List.
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