WLUG Comittee Meeting 20 Nov 2006 7:30pm, 31 Aberfoyle St (enter from Ellicot Rd end)
Opened 7:40
Present: IanMcDonald,
BruceKingsbury, SimonGreen, ChrisOhalloran, RodAldridge
Apologies: LindsayDruett
1. Minutes of previous meeting.
Approved: James / Ian
2. Matters arising.
3. Correspondence.
Bank statements, nothing requiring action.
4. Treasurers report.
Spent $254 on disks, balance approx $1250
5. General Business
End of year BBQ will be on 10th.
- ASB done
- PO Box 21051 Postcode 3249
- IRD still to do
- Orcon still to do (Bruce to contact Craig Whitmore)
- Server
Bruce to write letter of thanks to IT Partners for donation of projector
James has offered to provide space for the WLUG Library, and will purchase plastic bins for storage and transport.
- Ian will contact GenI
- HPL Display. Bruce will start working on content, someone else will need to make it pretty. We'll book the display after we've decided what to put there.
- Advertise to University students through Nexus.
Meeting closed 8:50
next committee meeting: 15 Jan 2007 next WLUG meeting: 22 Jan 2007
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