WLUG Committee Meeting
16 October 2006
Meeting opened 7:42
Present: ChrisOhalloran, SimonGreen, JamesPluck, LindsayDruett, IanMcDonald,
BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge.
1. Minutes from Previous meeting
Moved: Ian / Lindsay, Passed.
2. Matters arising
SSL certs for secure.wlug.org.nz and mail.wlug.org.nz will be $50 p/a. To be purchased by Jamie. Ian will follow this up.
3. Correspondence
Bank statement; forwarded to James.
Account from Orcon for callout charge; Lindsay will clarify what the arrangement with Orcon is supposed to be, and perhaps investigate other options for hosting.
4. Treasurers report
We currently have $1500 in the bank and $100 petty cash. Expecting more subs and regular payments from Google, so financially we're happy.
5. Upcoming meetings
1) Oct 30th; Plan9 presentation by
2) Nov 27th SlackWare? presentation by DeniseBates?
3) Dec 9th End of year BBQ. James's house. BYO meat and drinks, WLUG to supply things like bread, salids, tables, BBQ.
Future meetings, ideas required. Perhaps a presentation on iptables?
6. WLUG servers
One drive is near-death, a second is on the way out. Cost $110 ea. to replace. WLUG will purchase 2 replacement drives. Moved: Ian / James, Passed.
We need to investigate redundancy, mirroring the functionality of each blade onto one or more other blades which can be enabled manually if any blade fails. We also need to look into systematic backups and some form of monitoring. And the current server setup needs to be properly documented. Ian to discuss these issues with Craig / Perry / John.
7. Life membership
Posponed, to be discussed at a later meeting
8. PO Box and other handover matters
P.O. Box: to be sent to Simon's address at Insoft.
IRD: Ian will write a letter.
ASB: Ian will find out what's required and organise a suitable time.
MED: Ian's dealing with this too.
Orcon: Bruce to contact Orcon and update postal address.
Server: Craig will sort out (and document) the procedure for keeping track of current and expired accounts on the server.
9. General Business
We should have a display at the Central Library. These need to be booked well in advance, and we can decide what to display at a later meeting. Bruce to organise this.
Meeting closed 9:30
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