Annotated edit history of COBOL version 8 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
4 GlynWebster 1 An [Acronym] for __Co__mmon __B__usiness __O__riented __L__anguage.
3 ;: The use of [COBOL] cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offense. %%% ''-- EdsgerWybeDijkstra''
5 A rather weird old language for manipulating sequential databases. The "common" in its name is unfortunately true - mankind is left with a huge legacy of braindamaged code written in this language, since a great proportion of business software, particular accounting systems, is written in [COBOL] and has to be maintained.
7 There are a few projects to create OpenSource [COBOL] implementations, but it's a big and unrewarding task, especially since only a full-featured [COBOL] will be any good to anyone. After all, no one will start a new project in [COBOL] these days - its purpose would be for porting.
5 GerwinVanDeSteeg 8
9 -----
10 CategoryProgrammingLanguages, CategoryDeprecatedProgrammingLanguages