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I probably shouldn't be poking at the WLUG wiki but How To Postfix Cyrus Webcyradm HOWTO? looked like it could use some cleanup and since I'm familiar with PhpWiki1?, I figured I'd reformat the text so it's a little easier to follow. Sorry if I've stepped on anybody's toes.

I started working with Slackware in 1994, migrated to Red Hat around 1996, then switched to SuSE around 1998. I've played around a little with Mandrake and Debian but still find SuSE the most sensible and reliable distribution. I'm a bit disenchanted with RPMs and packaged software in general so I'm curently experimenting with Gentoo. It's going surprisingly well but I'm hampered by a slow test machine (266MHz Pentium II with 64MB RAM) I built from parts leftover from my last system upgrade. I should've given them away; I have too many computers around the house as it is.

And despite the last name, I'm nowhere near New Zealand or Australia2? - I'm in Austin, Texas; a fun, friendly, tolerant city with very few of the stereotypical gun-toting men with big hats and pointy boots or women with too much make-up and big hair. Think of it as an island of literacy in a sea of pickup trucks.


1? FWIW, my wiki is at - most of what you'll find there is discussions about improvisational comedy, which is what I do when I'm not maintaining servers (or leaving little nuggets of joy in wikis on the other side of the planet.)

2? There are probably more Apthorp(e)s in Australia than the U.K. or the U.S. Members of the family speculate on how this came to be.

No page links to BobApthorpe.

Welcome Bob, The HOWTO's are there for people to cleanup, comment on and update (theres nothing more irritating than a horribly out of date HOWTO? IMHO. Thanks for cleaning up the formatting, my html 2 wiki script really botched most of the HOWTO's. The Wiki's not just for members of the WaikatoLinuxUsersGroup, it's just set up and mostly used by us :) -- PerryLorier

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