upsdrvctl - UPS driver controller
upsdrvctl -h
upsdrvctl [-t? [-v? (start | stop | shutdown | status) [__''ups''__?
upsdrvctl provides a uniform interface for controlling your UPS drivers. The intention is for users to always use upsdrvctl for starting and stopping them rather than hard-coding driver calls into their startup scripts.
When used properly, upsdrvctl lets you maintain identical startup scripts across multiple systems with different UPS configurations.
Display the help message.
Enable testing mode. This also enables verbose mode. Testing mode makes upsdrvctl display the actions it would execute without actually doing them. Use this to test out your configuration without actually doing anything to your UPS drivers. This may be helpful when defining the 'sdorder' directive in your ups.conf(5).
Enable verbose messages.
upsdrvctl supports three commands - start, stop, and status. They take an optional argument which is a UPS name from ups.conf(5). Without that argument, they operate on every UPS that is currently configured.
Start the UPS driver(s).
Stop the UPS driver(s).
Command the UPS driver(s) to run their shutdown sequence. This is equivalent to manually starting each driver with the
value - see ups.conf(5).
Check the status of the UPS driver(s).
If every UPS that has been checked is running, then the exitcode will be 0. If one seems to be missing, the exitcode will be 1.
Old drivers can't be controlled with upsdrvctl. While many popular drivers have been converted, there are still a number that have not. If your hardware uses an older driver, you must call it directly.
You can find out if your driver is new or old by starting it with -h to see the help text. If it mentions '-a' to autoconfigure, then you have a new driver. Otherwise, it's old.
In this case, consider converting the driver yourself, then send in a patch.
The status checking is rudimentary, and really only looks for the presence of .pid files. If you really want to know if your UPS drivers are alive and well, upsmon(8)'s NOCOMM notifier does a fine job.
nutupsdrv(8), upsd(8) ups.conf(5)
Internet resources:
The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page:
NUT mailing list archives and information:
3 pages link to upsdrvctl(8):