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* Our MailServer allows you to amend the username part of your [Email] address with a suffix which will be ignored when delivering the mail. The suffix must be preceeded by a plus sign. This means you can use <tt>username+ebay@wlug.org.nz</tt> to conduct your business on eBay, <tt>username+wlug@wlug.org.nz</tt> to sign up for the WlugMailingList, <tt>username+foosoft@wlug.org.nz</tt> for some download registration form, etc, and it will all go into your <tt>username@wlug.org.nz</tt> inbox. This makes it easy to filter your incoming mail, and to see who is passing your address on to other people. :) * You can create a file named <tt>.forward</tt> in your home directory (remember, everyone who has a mail account also has a [Shell] account) to have [Email] automatically forwarded to another address. For example after logging in: <verbatim> $ echo my_other_address@verisign.com > ~/.forward </verbatim> * [Exim] also supports specially formatted <tt>.forward</tt> files to do limited processing of incoming [Email], such as save to a certain file, or forward or drop. As currently set up on the [WLUG] MailServer, such filtering is supported. See EximFilter for hints and examples. * If you're using MozillaMail and [IMAP] to connect through the FireWall to the server you may need to add <tt>imap.wlug.org.nz</tt> to your "No Proxies for" list (under Preferences/Advanced/Proxies). This tells your MailClient to connect directly to the server rather than through the proxy. * When you log into WebMail you may need to use <tt>username</tt> rather than <tt>username@wlug.org.nz</tt> (this differs from other SquirrelMail setups). The feedback when you make this mistake is a little obscure (i.e. several lines of the [PHP] internal error messages and then <tt>Unknown user or password incorrect</tt>.) See also: * WlugAdmin * MozillaNotes * SquirrelMail ---- CategoryMailNotes
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