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!! Deprecated Much of this is now deprecated as the old WlugBladeServer setup has been moved away from. This page described how Hoiho, the WlugServer, was set up, back when it was just one machine. There are now five blades, described on the WlugBladeServer page. This page is almost, but not quite obsolete. It was created by the WlugSysadmins. !! Membership management WLUG membership details are entered into an [LDAP] database. Use the scripts in <tt>db.wlug.org.nz:/usr/local/hoihotools</tt> for adding/updating/expiring members. These scripts also provide the mechanism for adding shell accounts if required. A shell account is required if the user wants to receive email to a wlug.org.nz address. If they want shell access (rather than just secure [IMAP]) then an administrator will need to install their SSH public key. By default, passwords are disabled for new accounts. An account needs a password to be set before email can be accessed. Use the <tt>change-password.pl</tt> script in the <tt>hoihotools</tt> directory to set a new password. Normal passwd(1) as root will also work, since it's [LDAP] aware. More information is in <tt>hoiho:/usr/local/doc/ldap</tt>. !! Firewall The machine uses iptables, using PerrysFirewallingScript (using the debian package made by CraigBox). Minor local modifications are documented in <tt>hoiho:/usr/local/doc/firewall</tt>. hoiho is on the MetaNet - wan0= and lo:1= !! Mail [Exim]4, with SpamAssassin installed. Local configuration is documented in <tt>hoiho:/usr/local/doc/mail</tt>. See also: WlugMailNotes !! Backups A script backs up the [wiki database here|http://wiki.wlug.org.nz/archive/wiki/], and JohnMcPherson copies them down to his home machine. !! Other The WlugWiki, NameServer, Library webapp, [PAM] setups documented in <tt>hoiho:/usr/local/doc</tt> !! TODO * Configure slave zoning for [WLUG] members ? ---- (This changelog hasn't been kept up to date, but is here for [hysterical raisins|JargonFile:hysterical-reasons]). !! ChangeLog ---- 2004-03-09 Daniel Lawson * new kernel ready, waiting on reboot. * Incidentally, the MetaNet is configured just fine. Removed from TODO list * Webalizer is configured, also removed from TODO. Not sure what the 'other wlug website scripts' reference were, but I took them off as well * We've added an SSL key on secure.wlug.org.nz. If you point your MTA/MUA at secure.wlug.org.nz you can use the appropriate SSL enabled mail protocols. https://secure.wlug.org.nz/ also works. ---- 2004-02-27 Someone * DNS stuff. Updated nameservers for wlug.org.nz zone ---- 2003-07-02 Perry Lorier * Oops, forgot about this page, and I've not been keeping it up to date. * Fixed webalizer again. (http://www.wlug.org.nz/webalizer/) * Added [SMTP] with SMTP Auth, and imap support. http://mail.wlug.org.nz/ * Added [SSL] support to imap.wlug.org.nz * Added [STARTTLS] support to smtp.wlug.org.nz ---- 2002-09-23 Perry Lorier * Installed and configured bind9 on hoiho, and setup a wlug.org.nz domain ready for when we find out our IP. I added SRV, RP and TXT entries. See /etc/bind9/db.wlug.org.nz for more information * Installed and configured Jabber * Moved the Wiki onto Hoiho, mostly ----- 2002-09-16 *testing/unstable entries in /etc/apt/sources.list removed ''(What the hell is up with Perry's one-million-hosts apt-sources? Make sure we remove the proxy entry for marvin when it's moved too)'' *ran dist-upgrade *set up skeleton of ldap tree. might not be needed. Do we really need to run mail out of ldap? we wont be vhosting domains, its easy enough to add accounts, etc. --DanielLawson
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