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This page describes known problems and issues with the Wlug Wiki theme and proposes resolutions for them. In general while we endeavour to make this Wiki work (and look OK) on all browsers and platforms we do have limited resources and time, In cases where trade offs have to be made this site will be optimised to work best on Mozilla Firefox under Linux.

For things we should do to the code (rather than just to the theme), see WlugWikiCustomisations.

Font Sizes

There is a known issue with font sizes using both Firefox and IE in Windows. This is caused by the Wiki stylesheets use of the medium font size keyword. Unfortunately these browsers use 16 point as their default font size making the wiki text look abnormally large. Due to the current output generated by PHPwiki using nested tags we cannot use a keyword such as smaller. While this would fix the problem for Windows users it is highly likely to shift the problem to Linux users.

This issue will be resolved once the WlugWikiConversion issues have been resolved either through the use of browser specific stylesheets, or most probably a user preference system which will include the ability to provide an offsite stylesheet.

  • Do you need to specify the size at all? The standards say "medium" means the default size for normal text. MSIE thinks "small is the default size for normal text. If you leave out definitions, normal text will default to being default size anyway. --DouglasBagnall

Minor Display / Stylistic Issues

  • InterWiki link prefixes usually clutter up the rendered page. F.ex., every single WikiPedia: link on the wiki is of the form [foo | WikiPedia:foo] because noone wants the damn "WikiPedia:" bit showing up on the rendered page. So the prefix should not show up on the rendered page. Instead this information would just show up as "foo on WikiPedia" in the link's title attribute.

    However, there are some prefixes like RFC: which actually should be rendered, and some like Category: where it can go both ways. This could be addressed in two ways:

    1. More syntax. [WikiPedia:foo] renders the prefix, but [WikiPedia::foo] doesn't.
    2. Make this as a per-entry setting in the InterWikiMap. But that seems more complex to implement and would be less flexible.


  • Not so minor: the BackLinks code needs a thorough fixing. F.ex., if I link to Wiki:DisagreeByDeleting, it thinks I'm pointing at DisagreeByDeleting. --AristotlePagaltzis

    Any idea if this has been fixed in one of the newer phpwiki releases? We're currently in the process of migrating up to CVS head from the mid-2002+wlug_hacks snapshot that we're currently using. --MattBrown

    Me? I have no idea. John might, or Perry. I wikied this at Perry's behest after IMing him about it. --AristotlePagaltzis

  • remove 'backlinks' link from the title, now that we list the backlinks at the bottom of the page? --JohnMcPherson

    Hmm, they've always been listed in the SideBar, and the link was there anyway. Does it do any harm to have that link around? I find it handy once in a long while. --AristotlePagaltzis

  • monospace font apparently looks different in page content / tt / pre ? -- JohnMcPherson

    They look the same to me. --AristotlePagaltzis

  • Content in includepage plugin probably should be a size smaller than the main page -- CraigBox

    Maybe that should be an option to the includepage invocation? --AristotlePagaltzis

  • Generate a text rendered version of the wiki pages for use by the meeting reminder bot. -- I'm pretty sure this item is already handled... --MattBrown
  • Replace current image buttons ("Preview" and "Save" on the edit page, "Diff" and the duration buttons on RecentChanges) with simple buttons/links styled like the "Search" one at the page top, for consistency and readability. --AristotlePagaltzis
  • Backlinks could do to be in a size (far?) smaller than page text, and possibly in some kind of aligned table? -- CraigBox

    I would be in favour of rendering them as a regular bulleted list in normal size, capped at 15 or so links, of which the last is something like ...and 213 more. where necessary. --AristotlePagaltzis

  • Reduce the amount of screen real-estate taken up by the header and footer --StuartYeates
  • In IE, when you hover over a link in the backlinks footer section, the side bars disappear. -- CraigBox

    Can't see the problem here, the CSS has no hover rules for anything remotely related to that div. Page validates fine. I blame a bug in IE. Unlikely to be fixed unless someone can show me a bug in the CSS. -- MattBrown

  • The page title in the header could do with being a couple of px higher, to align it in the box (looks worse on IE than on Firefox) -- CraigBox

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