Diff: WalmitTheHermit

Differences between version 7 and predecessor to the previous major change of WalmitTheHermit.

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Newer page: version 7 Last edited on Saturday, July 8, 2006 3:22:01 pm by CraigBox Revert
Older page: version 6 Last edited on Saturday, July 8, 2006 2:38:01 pm by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 !A Fairy Story 
-Once upon a time, in a village called [Iltonham|#iltonham ] there lived a man named Walmit. Walmit lived in a little shack on a small island in Iltonham harbour. His island was connected to the rest of town by a bridge, that during the day was raised so the ships could sail thru' into the harbour. 
+Once upon a time, in a village called [Iltonham|Hamilton ] there lived a man named Walmit. Walmit lived in a little shack on a small island in Iltonham harbour. His island was connected to the rest of town by a bridge, that during the day was raised so the ships could sail thru' into the harbour. 
 Now Walmit was the town mailman, which everyone thought was quite ironic, as Walmit had a penchant for blowing up people's letterboxes! Needless to say, because of this many of the townsfolk would not allow Walmit to deliver their mail to him from fear that he would blow up their letterboxes! (Which is only logical) 
 The people that overcame their fear that their letterboxes would be blown up had the added frustration that Walmit lived on a little island, in a little shack in the middle of the harbour, and the bridge that connected him to the rest of town was raised during the day so Walmit could not deliver their mail during the day. Because his shack was so small, and he could not deliver the mail sometimes he was forced to throw a sack of mail into the harbour, were it sunk without a trace, because if he did not there was no room for him to live!