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The Open CD is a FreeSoftware compilation for MicrosoftWindows. It is an excellent way to gently introduce Windows users to the idea of FreeSoftware. It is a smaller, but more polished collection than GnuWinII - it comes with a proper CD browser (based on k-meleon) and only includes software that is easy to install under MicrosoftWindows, well developed, and highly reliable.

TheOpenCD contains only precompiled binaries for a range of OpenSource programs. It used to contain sources as well, but they wanted to add more programs and a 'live linux' you can boot.

OSSWatch have been known to give away boxfulls of copies of TheOpenCD.
PhilHarper has been known to do a fair bit of work on TheOpenCD v1.2 and 1.4.
zcat maintains a New Zealand mirror of TheOpenCD at

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