Command line Programs to manage text
- cat(1)
- Concatinate files to standard out
- sort(1)
- a filter to sort text
- uniq(1)
- a filter to remove duplicate lines from a file
- grep(1)
- a filter to find regex(7)'s in files
- tr(1)
- a filter to translate from one charactor set to another
- sed(1)
- a simple script editor, mostly used for it's search and replace
- join(1)
- a filter to join two files together based on a common column
- cut(1)
- a filter to "cut" out different columns
- paste(1)
- the reverse of cut
- head(1)
- display the top of a file
- tail(1)
- display the bottom of a file
- awk(1)
- a simple scripting language for managing (mangling?) text files
- perl(1)
- The swiss army knife of text processing
- python(1)
- Yet another swiss army knife of text processing
Perhaps you were more interested in a TextEditor.