poll mail.myisp.co.nz protocol POP3 user "pop3user" password "secret" is user "localuser" here mda "/usr/bin/procmail";
# correct incoming messages for programs like Evolution and mail :0 fhw | formail -I "From " -a "From " :0fw | spamassassin
#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/fetchmail >> ~/log/fetchmail
*/5 * * * * /home/localuser/bin/getmail
This plugin submits the entire email to a locally running ClamAV server for virus detection. If a virus is found, it returns a positive return code to indicate spam and sets the header X-Spam-Virus: Yes ($virusname). If you'd like to sort virus emails to a separate folder, create a rule looking for this header.
This isn't necessarily the best way to run ClamAV; for example, your MailTransferAgent, if it has a method to call SpamAssassin, probably has a method to call ClamAV too.
It requires
To install, create the files in /etc/mail/spamassassin/. You can adjust the default score of 10 in clamav.cf if you like. Restart the spamd daemon if you're using that, and you should be all set.
loadplugin ClamAV clamav.pm full CLAMAV eval:check_clamav() describe CLAMAV Clam AntiVirus detected a virus score CLAMAV 10
package ClamAV; use strict; use warnings; use Mail::SpamAssassin; use Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin; use File::Scan::ClamAV; our @ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin); sub new { my ( $class, $mailsa ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( $mailsa ); bless( $self, $class ); $self->register_eval_rule( "check_clamav" ); return $self; } sub _set_header { my ( $msgstatus, $header ) = @_; $msgstatus->{ main }->{ conf }->{ $_ }->{ "Virus" } = $header for qw( headers_spam headers_ham ); } sub check_clamav { my ( $self, $permsgstatus, $fulltext ) = @_; my $clamav = File::Scan::ClamAV->new( port => 3310 ); my ( $code, $virus ) = $clamav->streamscan( ${ $fulltext } ); if ( !$code ) { my $errstr = $clamav->errstr(); Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::dbg( "ClamAV: Error scanning: $errstr" ); _set_header( $permsgstatus, "Error ($errstr)" ); } elsif ( $code eq 'OK' ) { Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::dbg( "ClamAV: No virus detected" ); _set_header( $permsgstatus, "No" ); } elsif ( $code eq 'FOUND' ) { Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::dbg( "ClamAV: Detected virus: $virus" ); _set_header( $permsgstatus, "Yes ($virus)" ); return 1; } else { Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::dbg( "ClamAV: Error, unknown return code: $code" ); _set_header( $permsgstatus, "Error (Unknown return code from ClamAV: $code)" ); } return; } 1;
debug: using "/root/.spamassassin" for user state dir debug: lock: 29656 created /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock.firewall.itpartners.co.nz.29656 debug: lock: 29656 trying to get lock on /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist with 0 retries debug: lock: 29656 link to /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock: link ok debug: Tie-ing to DB file R/W in /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist debug: unlock: 29656 unlink /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock debug: open of AWL file failed: Cannot open auto_whitelist_path /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist: Inappropriate ioctl for device
You're using old format database files.
The perl version change effected a change of the BDB version being used. The bayes_seen and bayes_toks fixes are BDB files and can be fixed by doing an db4.x_upgrade on them. sarge/hoary use Berkely DB 4.2, and you can install the db4.2-util package. with HTML
This occurs if you have upgraded perl, and not restarted spamd. Try restarting spamd and see if it solves the problem. It could also be a version mismatch, in which case you'll have to upgrade whichever process is calling spamassassin
apt-get install db4.3-util
Go to where you Bayes DB's lie.
db4.3_upgrade bayes_seen db4.3_upgrade bayes_toks
Restart spamassassin, and voila!
Maia Mailguard is a web-based interface and quarantine management system for amavisd-new, which allows users to manage their own spam. It has all the pitfalls of amavis, but might suit your needs.
Is Razor running?
Uncomment it in /etc/spamassassin/v310.pre and you're effectively away. If you want to be able to submit, you have to create an account.
Is DCC running? Have you uncommnented it in /etc/spamassassin/v310.pre?
# spamassassin -t -D < /tmp/spam <snip> [8407] dbg: dcc: dccifd is not available: no r/w dccifd socket found [8407] dbg: dcc: check timed out after 5 seconds
Default Ubuntu/Debian installation, SA probably can't find the dccifd file - add to /etc/spamassassin/local.cf:
# Enable DCC use_dcc 1 dcc_home /var/lib/dcc
Is Pyzor running? Have you uncommnented it in /etc/spamassassin/v310.pre?
# spamassassin -t -D < /tmp/spam <snip> [8615] dbg: util: executable for pyzor was found at /usr/bin/pyzor [8615] dbg: pyzor: pyzor is available: /usr/bin/pyzor [8615] dbg: info: entering helper-app run mode [8615] dbg: pyzor: opening pipe: /usr/bin/pyzor check < /tmp/.spamassassin8615OvQ1ymtmp [8617] dbg: util: setuid: ruid=0 euid=0 [8615] dbg: pyzor: killed stale helper [8617] [8615] dbg: pyzor: [8617] terminated: exit=0x000f [8615] dbg: info: leaving helper-app run mode [8615] dbg: pyzor: check timed out after 5 seconds
The old Pyzor server has disappeared. Locate .pyzor/servers (systemwide on Debian/Ubuntu, it's under /root/.pyzor/servers) and replace the contents with Don't run pyzor discover again, as it will overwrite the contents with the broken server. (Thanks to this Nabble post for the answer)
Thanks to Tom from ItPartners for this cool script. Requires gnuplot. Graphs your spam scores.
#!/bin/bash # Generate a graph of SpamAssassin spam score frequencies. # Needs gnuplot. LOGFILES=/var/log/mail.log* SCOREFILE=/tmp/spamscores IMAGEFILE=/tmp/spamplot.gif > $SCOREFILE for score in `zegrep "identified spam|clean message" $LOGFILES | awk '{print $9}' | cut -d "/" -f 1 | cut -d '(' -f 2` do echo $score 1 >> $SCOREFILE done gnuplot <<EOF set term gif set output "$IMAGEFILE" plot "$SCOREFILE" smooth frequency EOF
SpamAssassin is normally supposed to be invoked on a per-user basis, perhaps via a procmail(1) rule, or directly in a .forward entry, that kind of thing. However, it is possible to filter all users' e-mail on a systemwide basis. The procedure for doing this with Postfix is described here.
Under SuSE, spamd is configured by default not to apply any rules that require Internet access (like accessing Pyzor, blocklists etc). To fix this, edit /etc/sysconfig/spamd. Look for the line
SPAMD_ARGS="-d -c -L"
and remove the "-L" switch.
2 pages link to SpamAssassinNotes: