Annotated edit history of SordM5 version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 AristotlePagaltzis 1 The Sord M5 released 1982, just before the similar MSX computers, had a plastic feel and rubber keys. It didn't reach far outside Japan (except for Czechoslovakia). For about $100-150 it included
1 AndersGreen 2
3 AristotlePagaltzis 3 * 3.58Mhz Zilog Z80A processor
4 * 4Kb RAM
5 * 16 colors
6 * 32 sprites
7 * RF output
8 * 3 channel sound + noise channel
9 * Cartridge slot
10 * Tape station
12 See also
13 * [|] (danish)
14 * [|]
15 * [mess|]
1 AndersGreen 16
17 ----
4 CraigBox 18 Part of CategoryOldComputers