Software Freedom Day 2010 Hamilton
- Where: Centreplace Mall, near Whitcoulls
- When: Saturday, 18th September. Running all day during mall business hours (9 AM - 5 PM.)
Free Software Demo
We will have two/three tables and be setting up some PC's and laptops to demonstrate FOSS. Bruce had prepared a new "KiaOra DVD 10.09" which we will be giving out (a collection of Free software for Windows similar to The OpenDisc). We will also have some Ubuntu cds and some WLUG brochures. We may possibly have an Internet connection, but don't count on it.
As for equipment so far we have:
WLUG tackle box with the usual gear.
- 1 Desktop (2.2Ghz x2, 2GBram) + 17" LCD
- 1 other desktop, borrowing an LCD from Ian
- 1 laptop, fairly low spec
- 1 Laptop
- 1 Desktop
- 1 22" LCD monitor
- 1 laptop dual boot
- Virtual box on both Linux machines (If you want JB)
- 1 Atx box dual boot
- 2 17inch crt monitors (LCD preferred, will let you know if these are needed)
- 1 4 port switch
- 1 Desktop PC 2.60 dual-core Currently running 64bit Ubuntu 10.04
- 1 22" LCD monitor
- 1 Pair midfi speakers
- 1 Laptop on PC-BSD 8.1, somewhat low spec
We could use some LCD's and a notebook/eeePC for demo if anyone can loan one.
We need people to talk about FOSS and WLUG, so far we have these people attending, add you name or let us know if you will be attending so we an add your name. Let us know what time you might be able cover, and we can plan accordingly.
Volunteer responsibilities:
- Meet and greet people, give out CDs/DVDs, have a "elevator speech" or a short "this is what it's all about" script prepared. Don't let one person (i.e kid) tie up a computer for a long time.
- FOSS is for EVERYONE, even kids. If they're interested DO show them some of the cool software and games for kids such as tuxpaint or Yo Frankie, let them have a play as long as nobody else needs the machine, and give them a brochure and DVD to take home.
- The point of the event is to inform people about FOSS, many people will have never heard of it, some people may not be interested, and we need to be prepared for how we will approach the public. Think about what common questions we will likely get, and how they should be answered. Started a Google Doc for the
- The other point is to inform people about WLUG and invite them to our next meeting and to become members. And that we can support them in the future if they have any trouble using anything. (At meetings and on the mailing list, and with the wiki)
Our tables will be setup near Whitcoulls, below the Lido theater.
We did it here in 2006.
Demo Ideas:
- Demonstrate or tutor some FLOSS e.g. the GIMP or Inkscape how general public can make use of FLOSS in their daily life. For instance, use the GIMP or Inkscape to draw some pictures/icons and edit their photographs (somewhat like street performance so as to attract people to come over SFD).
- Demo a dual monitor setup
- Demo some virtualization software. Linux running in a Windows box, or Windows in a Linux system.
Things we need help with:
Work on
press release, intro speech, flyer text
Tux - We need a small person, or several small persons to volunteer to walk around the mall in a penguin suit.
- Requirements are that the penguin suit wearer is small, sociable, and a Linux user. Bruce will get Punua to try out the penguin suit next week, although we probably want more than one person to take turns. Cairo will assist and care for the penguin on the day, and take a turn wearing the suit if necessary (although she's really too tall now).
TrustWaikato has donated $350 to help us pay for the leasing fee from Centreplace and insurance.
More Info
Next Meeting
We plan to hold a follow up meeting for Linux/FOSS newbies at our WaikatoUniversity meeting room on our regular meeting date of 27th September.
Stephen suggests showing some pictures of other SFD events as an introduction.
Some Links
Things to not forget:
- WLUG banner
- Stuffed Tux and Tuz