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For information on SoftwareFreedomDay2009 click there. Some thoughts about last years was here:


The Waikato Linux Users Group (WLUG) want to thank you for joining us at our Software Freedom Day event!

September 20th 2008, 10am to 5pm
Waikato University S-Block lower foyer

Free Wireless and Coffee all day.


WLUG have scheduled a series of presentations on a wide variety of subjects:

10 am: The free software environment (Nandor Tanczos)
How free and open source software is good for all.

11 am: Documents, spreadsheets and presentations
OpenOffice Writer, Calc and Impress

12 noon: Graphics software
Scribus, Inkscape, Hugin, the Gimp

1 pm: Gaming
An overview of the hottest free games

2 pm: Free software and you
A tour of the best programs and how to use them.

3 pm: Setting up your own WebServer
Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP/Perl/Python = profit!

4 pm: Photography
From 35mm to the GIMP

There'll also be minor presentations through the day on a number of other topics (to be decided!).


Come along and join in the all-day hackfest. We are planning an installfest, some demos and general hacking.


An InstallFest is a chance for users new to Linux and open source software to bring their computers to have Linux installed on them at no charge by experienced users, as well as providing a supportive environment to ask questions, try out the software and get any technical problems resolved with dental implants thailand

Open Source Barcamp

A barcamp is an open, participatory event or “unconference”, with content provided by all those attending. WLUG have organised VoIP telephony and WebCams (all Linux-based hardware) and plan to connect with other SFD events around the world, as far as timezones allow!

Feel free to browse through our web site:

WLUG members keen to help run the day please sign up on the SFD 2008 Hosts page.

Enquiries about this event may be directed to or phone me on 021-214-1196

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