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This is a page for me (KyleCarter) to wiki notes about the security cameras I am setting up at my house. [Zoneminder | http://www.zoneminder.com] is the first option of software to setup, and [motion | http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome] as a backup plan if I can't get Zoneminder to play nice. Both use [Video4Linux] sources for capture, so this will be the first mission. The only experience I have with this previously is a small amount of playing with MythTv. I have a 4 channel Swann capture card (SW-R-PCDVR4) and 2 cameras to connect, and possibly looking at using a WebCam I have lying around spare also. It works under [Windows], however its own [Software] doesn't seem to be as advanced as Zoneminder. The chipset is not supported under [Linux]: > > Hi,%%% > > Is the SW-R-PCDVR4 supported under Linux? Thank you. > > > > Regards,%%% > > MatthiasDallmeier > > Dear Sir,%%% > Thank you for your email. With regards to your message, kindly note the answer is unfortunately a NO. > > > Kind regards. > > Neville Munshi%%% > Wholesale & Trade Business Manager%%% > Swann Communications
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