Not a bad workshop, a pity we won't be able to use the same place next month.
After much procrastination we've finally restarted the SaturdayWorkshops. The first one for 2007 is on June 9th. Future workshops will be on the first Saturday of the month.
Time: 10am to 2pm
Location: IT Training building, 17 Devon Road.
The room has plenty of benches, power and network sockets. We'll also provide tea and coffee.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Rod or Bruce.
Requests For Help:
ElroyLiddington - would like assistance with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS? KDE setup - currently using Gnome, but prefer KDE WM, but having issues getting task-bar-applets-installed/PPP-working.
and setting up pppd bandwidth throttling for say http/ftp downloads etc, so when requesting a webpage, downloads get throttled until request has completed?
No page links to SaturdayWorkshop.2007-06-09.