Was heaps of fun and very educational for everyone involved! This should definitely be a monthly event.
Frustrations: My house is too small! Hopefully the next SaturdayWorkshop can be in a bigger place. Faster internet and/or a mirror of the main repos on the LAN would also be nice.
Photos: http://zcat.wired.net.nz/photos/saturdayworkshop/
The Saturday after our Monday meeting BruceKingsbury will be holding a 'Saturday Workshop'
where you can bring your machine along and we'll try to resolve any problems you might have.
Date: April 1 Time: 11am - 4pm Location:23 Oxford St
Facilities available;
256k internet (cat5 or wifi), phone line, Broadcast TV for myth, ISO's of ubuntu and kubuntu, spare power leads, tables, BBQ
No page links to SaturdayWorkshop.2006-04-01.