Annotated edit history of SATA version 13 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
10 LawrenceDoliveiro 1 An [Acronym] for __S__erial [ATA]. Compare [PATA].
3 ElroyLiddington 2
12 LawrenceDoliveiro 3 A cheaper alternative to [SCSI] for connecting BlockDevice~s. The performance of [SATA]-1 compliant hard drives is equivalent with 10,000 [RPM] [SCSI] drives (Ultra160/Ultra320) (provided of course that the [SATA] drive is 10,000 [RPM] and has similar cache).
8 IanMcDonald 4
5 [SATA] drives are like [SCSI] drives in that they do not just work for boot devices if you are building your own LinuxKernel or with some LinuxDistribution~s.
13 AristotlePagaltzis 7 The reason for this is that they need a driver and the driver is on the disk – catch 22.
8 IanMcDonald 8
9 The solution is one of two ways:
10 * For the relevant drivers build into the LinuxKernel rather than as a [Module]
9 IanMcDonald 11 * Use [initrd(4)] - see InitialRamDisk for more information
3 ElroyLiddington 12
13 ----
4 AristotlePagaltzis 14 CategoryHardware

PHP Warning

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