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AlastairPorter is trying to write some RedHat init.d scripts for the MetaNet.

  1. /bin/sh


  1. Etud startup script for the Ethernet over UDP daemon


  1. Written by Daniel Lawson <>
  2. Modified for Red Hat by Alastair Porter <>

# #

  1. Source function library.

. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

ETUDCONF=/usr/local/etc/etud.conf DAEMON=/usr/local/sbin/Etud

  1. ETUDCONF=/etc/wandclients/etud.conf
  2. DAEMON=/usr/sbin/Etud

PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin NAME=Etud DESC="EtherneT over Udp Daemon" IP=/bin/ip

  1. Check for the Etud configuration file

if [ ! -f ${ETUDCONF}?; then

echo Could not find etud configuration file exit


  1. Parameter defaults

IFNAME=wan0 CTRLFILE=/var/run/Etud.ctrl PIDFILE=/var/run/

  1. Retrieve the real values from the config file if they exist

while read parameter value do

if [ "$parameter" == "pidfile"?; then

PIDFILE=`echo "$value" | tr -d '"'`

elif [ "$parameter" == "ctrlfile"?; then

CTRLFILE=`echo "$value" | tr -d '"'`

elif [ "$parameter" == "ifname"?; then

IFNAME=`echo "$value" | tr -d '"'`


done < $ETUDCONF

test -x $DAEMON || exit 0 ARGS="-f $ETUDCONF -p $PIDFILE"

set -e

case "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting Etud"

[ -e $CTRLFILE? && {

echo "" echo -n "Control file exists, checking to see if Etud lives? "

[ -e ${PIDFILE}? || {

echo "" echo "No pidfile present, exiting" exit 1;


  1. check that the pid in the pid file

[ x`cat ${PIDFILE}` == x`pidof ${NAME}`? && {

echo "... yes, aborting" exit 1;

} || {

echo "... no, removing" \rm ${CTRLFILE}



daemon $DAEMON $ARGS ifdown ${IFNAME} ifup ${IFNAME} echo ;;


echo -n "Stopping Etud " ifdown ${IFNAME}

  1. killproc Etud
  2. that should work (I think), but it doesn't... so: kill `cat /var/run/` echo ;;


echo -n "Restarting $NAME" ifdown ${IFNAME}

  1. killproc Etud
  2. again... kill `cat /var/run/` sleep 1 daemon $DAEMON $ARGS ifup ${IFNAME} echo ;;
  • )

    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2 ;;


Or here's one by GerwinVanDeSteeg which seems to work for Fedora Core 3.


  1. Configuration for the wandd daemon for the MetaNet

EPORT=22222 WPORT=44444 SERVER=<the name of the server specified in wand.conf goes here> WANIF=wan0


  1. /bin/sh


  1. wand


  1. chkconfig: - 21 79
  2. description: wand provides access to the MetaNet


  1. Source function library.

. /etc/init.d/functions

if [ ! -f /etc/sysconfig/network?; then

exit 0


if [ ! -f /etc/sysconfig/wand?; then

exit 0


. /etc/sysconfig/network . /etc/sysconfig/wand

ETUD=/usr/local/sbin/Etud ETUDCTL=/usr/local/sbin/Etudctl WAND=/usr/local/sbin/wand

start() {

echo -n $"Starting Etud: " daemon $ETUD -l $EPORT -p /var/run/ [ "$?" -eq 0? && echo_success || echo_failure echo echo -n $"Bringing up interface $WANIF: " ifup $WANIF [ "$?" -eq 0? && echo_success || echo_failure echo echo -n $"Starting wand: " daemon $WAND -i $SERVER -l $WPORT [ "$?" -eq 0? && echo_success || echo_failure echo service zebra start service bgpd start


stop() {

service bgpd stop service zebra stop echo -n $"Shutting down wand: " killall wand [ "$?" -eq 0? && echo_success || echo_failure echo echo -n $"Shutting down Etud: " killall Etud [ "$?" -eq 0? && echo_success || echo_failure echo

} case $1 in


start ;;


stop ;;


stop start ;;


service bgpd status service zebra status status $ETUD


status $WANDD ip route | grep zebra ;;

  • )

    echo $"Usage: $prog {start|stop|restart|status}" exit 1


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