Emphasis: '' for italics, for bold, '' for both
Lists: * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists, "; term : definition" for definition lists
References: !JoinCapitalizedWords? or use square brackets for a [page link? or URL /
Footnotes: Use [1?,[2?,[3?,...
Preventing linking Prefix with "!": !!DoNotHyperlink?, name links like [text (double up on the "[")
Misc "!", "!!", "!!!" make headings, "%%%" makes a linebreak, "----" makes a horizontal rule
- Don't indent paragraphs
- Words wrap and fill as needed
- Use blank lines as separators
- Four or more minus signs make a horizontal rule
- %%% makes a linebreak (in headings and lists too)
asterisk for first level
- asterisk-asterisk for second level, etc.
- Use * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists (mix at will)
- semicolon-term-colon-definition for definition lists:
- term here
- definition here, as in the <DL><DT><DD> list
- One line for each item
- Other leading whitespace signals preformatted text, changes font.
- '!' at the start of a line makes a small heading
- '!!' at the start of a line makes a medium heading
- '!!!' at the start of a line makes a large heading
- Indent with one or more spaces to use a monospace font:
This is in monospace
This is not
Indented Paragraphs
- semicolon-colon -- works like <BLOCKQUOTE>
- this is an indented block of text
- Use doubled single-quotes ('') for emphasis (usually italics)
- Use doubled underscores () for strong emphasis (usually bold)
- Mix them at will: bold italics
- Emphasis can be used multiple times within a line, but cannot cross line boundaries:
will not work
- Hyperlinks to other pages within the Wiki are made by placing the page name in square brackets: this is a page link or UsingWikiWords? (preferred)
- Hyperlinks to external pages are done like this:
- You can name the links by providing a name, a bar (|) and then the hyperlink or pagename:
PhpWiki home page - the front page
- You can suppress linking to old-style references and URIs by preceding the word with a '!', e.g. !NotLinkedAsWikiName?, !
- Also, the old way of linking URL's is still supported: precede URLs with "http:", "ftp:" or "mailto:" to create links automatically as in:
- URLs ending with .png, .gif, or .jpg are inlined if in square brackets, by themselves:

- Using [1? style you can create footnotes like this1?.
- Simple tables are available. A table row is introduced by a | in the first column. It is best described by example
- || Name |v Cost |v Notes
| First | Last
|> Jeff |< Dairiki |^ Cheap |< Not worth it
|> Marco |< Polo | Cheaper |< Not available
- will generate
|| Name |v Cost |v Notes
| First | Last
|> Jeff |< Dairiki |^ Cheap |< Not worth it
|> Marco |< Polo | Cheaper |< Not available
- Note that multiple |'s lead to spanned columns, and v's can be used to span rows. A > generates a right justified column, < a left justified column and ^ a centered column (which is the default.)
HTML Mark-Up Language
- Don't bother
- < and > are themselves
- The & characters will not work
- If you really must use HTML, your system administrator can enable this feature. Start each line with a bar (|). Note that this feature is disabled by default.
More detail than you want to know
See MagicPhpWikiURLs for gory details on how to write
various kind of wiki maintainance links.
1? By using [1? a second time (in the first column) the footnote itself is defined. You may refer to a footnote as many times as you want, but you may only define it once on the page. Note the the [1? in the footnote links back to the first reference, if there are multiple references there will be +'s after the [1? which will link to the other references. (References which come after the footnote definition will not be linked to.)