Blame: NXTFilesystemNotes
Annotated edit history of NXTFilesystemNotes version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 LawrenceDoliveiro 1 Here are some notes on the usage of the flash filesystem on the LegoMindstorms NXT controller.
3 File names can be up to 19 characters long, and are case-insensitive. There is no directory hierarchy; all files are kept in a single top-level directory. The on-board interface shows files grouped into various categories, like “Software files”, “Try Me” etc—these groupings are based purely on the filename extension.
5 <?plugin OldStyleTable
4 LawrenceDoliveiro 6 |*Category* | *File Contents* | *Extension*
3 LawrenceDoliveiro 7 | Datalog files | text files containing sensor data | .log
2 LawrenceDoliveiro 8 | NXT files| ? | .rpg
1 LawrenceDoliveiro 9 | Software files | executable bytecode programs | .rxe
10 | Sound files | sound sample files; melody files | .rso
11 | Try Me | executable bytecode programs | .rtm
12 ?>
2 LawrenceDoliveiro 13
14 Filenames ending with other extensions are not visible to the user through the on-board interface, but they can still be accessed programmatically.