Annotated edit history of NTPNotes version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 AristotlePagaltzis 1 !! Setting up NTP on Debian/Ubuntu
1 IanMcDonald 2
3 AristotlePagaltzis 3 You need to:
1 IanMcDonald 4
3 AristotlePagaltzis 5 # Install the [NTP] dæmon ([Package] <tt>ntp</tt> in [Debian] and friends).
6 # Pick some [NTPServers] to synch with.
7 # If necessary, fix your system time.
8 # Start the dæmon.
1 IanMcDonald 9
4 AristotlePagaltzis 10 All in all:''''
1 IanMcDonald 11
4 AristotlePagaltzis 12 <pre>
13 aptitude install ntp
14 /etc/init.d/ntp stop
15 echo 'server ''''~' >> /etc/ntp.conf
16 ntpdate '''' # optional
17 /etc/init.d/ntp start
18 </pre>
20 Of course you would actually use a TextEditor to add the [NTPServers] to <tt>/etc/ntp.conf</tt>, and you would use whichever server is appropriate in place of <tt></tt>.
1 IanMcDonald 21
3 AristotlePagaltzis 22 The [ntpdate(8)] step is necessary only if your local clock is way off from the time server’s time, in which case the [NTP] dæmon may terminate. Note that even [ntpdate(8)] adjusts the time only gradually if within a certain time range – if you don't want that, use the <tt>-b</tt> option.
1 IanMcDonald 23
3 AristotlePagaltzis 24 !! See also
1 IanMcDonald 25
3 AristotlePagaltzis 26 * TimeNotes
1 IanMcDonald 27
28 ----
29 CategoryNotes

PHP Warning

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