Blame: MeetingTopics.2006-09-16
Annotated edit history of MeetingTopics.2006-09-16 version 10, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigBox 1 WLUG will be celebrating SoftwareFreedomDay with a public advocacy event, to tell the Hamilton community about the world of free and open source software.
3 GreigMcGill 3 If you're interested in being involved in this event, please add your name to the list of helpers below.
1 CraigBox 4
5 -----
7 Helpers:
9 * CraigBox
2 JamesPluck 10 * GreigMcGill
4 IanMcDonald 11 * IanMcDonald
10 DavidHallett 12 * DavidHallett
5 zcat(1) 13 * BruceKingsbury
6 MichaelMcDonald 14 * MichaelMcDonald
8 BillRosoman 15 * BillRosoman
7 CraigBox 16 Please see the [Planning page|MeetingTopics.2006-09-16/Planning].
3 GreigMcGill 17
18 -----
20 * [WLUG's page at the SFD wiki|]

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()