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MarkFoster is an IT geek based in Auckland as of Mid 2010. From 2006-2010 he was based in Wellington.

Mark dates back era of BBS's and FidoNet, though only picked up the last few years of their popularity before the Internet took hold.

In the late 90s and early 2000's he became an IRC addict and could be found in places such as #Auckland on Undernet.

He was a founding member of #NZADSL which today is the home of a goodly number of various geek types.

Runs a website at which is far more likely to be current than this Wiki entry is likely to be.

Is a Coordinating member of NZLUG and a founder of the Auckland Linux Users Group (AuckLUG). Also a founding member, Councillor of the NewZealandOpenSourceSociety and known to be involved in a number of other bits and pieces including AmateurRadio , Motorsports and Toyotas.

Mark is found on UnderNet fairly regularly as 'BlakJak'. Also found on ICQ (2557453), MSN ( - and its not an email address) and Jabber (blakjak<at> His email address is <hisnickname> @ <his domain name>. See his web address.

Mark is not a member of Waikato LUG but is known to a few of WLUG's regulars from the mid 2000's.

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike LicenseMarkFoster has agreed to the terms of the WlugWikiLicense.