
Differences between version 11 and revision by previous author of MarkFoster.

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Newer page: version 11 Last edited on Thursday, September 30, 2010 10:06:13 am by MarkFoster Revert
Older page: version 7 Last edited on Sunday, July 17, 2005 11:37:51 pm by MattBrown Revert
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
-MarkFoster is an IT geek based in [Auckland] and notorious for many things, amongst them:  
+MarkFoster is an IT geek based in [Auckland] as of Mid 2010. From 2006-2010 he was based in [Wellington].  
-Dating back to the era of BBS's and FidoNet. 
+Mark dates back era of BBS's and FidoNet, though only picked up the last few years of their popularity before the Internet took hold
-Wound up becoming an IRC Addict based on UnderNet
+In the late 90s and early 2000's he became an IRC addict and could be found in places such as #Auckland on Undernet
-Founder of [#NZADSL] which today is the home of a goodly number of various geek types. 
+He was a founding member of [#NZADSL] which today is the home of a goodly number of various geek types. 
 Runs a website at which is far more likely to be current than this Wiki entry is likely to be. 
-Is a Coordinating member of [NZLUG] (And if you're not already, you should be looking at this wiki care of :P) and founder of the Auckland Linux Users Group aka [AuckLUG] .  
-Also a founding member of the NewZealandOpenSourceSociety and known to be involved in a number of other bits and pieces including AmateurRadio , [Motorsports|] and [Toyotas|]. 
+Is a Coordinating member of [NZLUG] and a founder of the Auckland Linux Users Group ( [AuckLUG]) .  
+Also a founding member, Councillor of the NewZealandOpenSourceSociety and known to be involved in a number of other bits and pieces including AmateurRadio , [Motorsports|] and [Toyotas|]. 
 Mark is found on UnderNet fairly regularly as '~BlakJak'. Also found on ICQ (2557453), MSN ( - and its not an email address) and Jabber (blakjak<at> His email address is <hisnickname> @ <his domain name>. See his web address. 
+Mark is not a member of Waikato LUG but is known to a few of WLUG's regulars from the mid 2000's.  
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