Annotated edit history of MarkFoster version 12, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
12 MarkFoster 1 MarkFoster is an IT geek based in [Wellington] since 2016, but was originally of [Auckland].
5 MarkFoster 2
11 MarkFoster 3 Mark dates back era of BBS's and FidoNet, though only picked up the last few years of their popularity before the Internet took hold.
5 MarkFoster 4
12 MarkFoster 5 In the late 90s and early 2000's he became an IRC user and could be found in several then-popular NZ-centered chatrooms such as #Auckland and [#NZADSL] on Undernet.
5 MarkFoster 6
12 MarkFoster 7 Mark is/was a Coordinating member of [NZLUG] and a founder of the Auckland Linux Users Group ([AuckLUG]).
8 Also a founding member, sometime Councillor of the NewZealandOpenSourceSociety and known to be involved in a number of other bits and pieces including AmateurRadio , Motorsport and particularly Toyotas.
5 MarkFoster 9
12 MarkFoster 10 Mark is not a member of Waikato LUG but is known to a few of WLUG's regulars from the mid 2000's, and at one point this Wiki was available as, with the domain having been associated with NZLUG.
5 MarkFoster 11
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