Annotated edit history of MTA version 12, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 PerryLorier 1 [Acronym] for __M__ail __T__ransport __A__gent
3 A program to send mail from one machine to another, usually using [SMTP], but occasionaly something weird and obscure like [UUCP].
2 CraigBox 4
11 AristotlePagaltzis 5 SendMail, [Postfix] and [Exim] are [MTA]s. Another one that is very popular with [ISP]s is DanBernstein's [Qmail], written with security in mind, for which there has been no exploit since at least March 1997.
1 PerryLorier 6
7 AristotlePagaltzis 7 See also:
8 * [MDA] (Mail Delivery Agent)
9 * [MSA] (Mail Submission Agent)
10 * [MUA] (Mail User Agent)
11 * [MAA] (Mail Access Agent).
6 TomHibbert 12
11 AristotlePagaltzis 13 It is generally a bad idea to mess with a live [MTA]. To make extensive changes or even migrate, you should deploy the new configuration in a test environment first. Only once you fully trust your new setup should you even dream about replacing the existing one.
7 AristotlePagaltzis 14
15 See also:
16 * EximNotes
17 * SendmailNotes
12 OliverJones 18 * WikiPedia:Mail_transfer_agent