Annotated edit history of MALLOC_CHECK_ version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 HarryDoherty 1 Another special EnvironmentVariable that the [C] [Library] uses to decide at run time which implementation of malloc(3) to use. This is an aid for DeBugging memory structure corruption.
1 JohnMcPherson 2
4 AristotlePagaltzis 3 Its value should be one of
1 JohnMcPherson 4
4 AristotlePagaltzis 5 * 0 to ignore corruptions
6 * 1 to print to stderr(3)
7 * 2 to abort immediately
1 JohnMcPherson 8
4 AristotlePagaltzis 9 See also:
10 * [mcheck]
11 * [LD_DEBUG]
12 * CommonProgrammingBugs