Annotated edit history of Linux version 9, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
7 AristotlePagaltzis 1 Linux is a [Kernel] originally created and released as FreeSoftware by LinusTorvalds. It is also a registered trademark of LinusTorvalds.
6 JohnMcPherson 2
8 JohnMcPherson 3 Many people use the term "Linux" to refer to entire [LinuxDistribution]s, which include not only the [Kernel] but also the many programs such as the [GNU] shell, [C] [Library], and toolchain that are needed to create and run other programs. There are many (literally thousands of) different flavours of [LinuxDistribution]s. See Category:Distribution for a list of [LinuxDistribution]s we care about, or visit []. The LinuxFaq might also be of help.
6 JohnMcPherson 4
8 JohnMcPherson 5 [RMS] insists that these be referred to as [GNU]/Linux distributions, on grounds that the [Kernel] is exchangeable. While these [GNU] systems run on top of the LinuxKernel, you might also use the [Hurd] [Kernel], which you should then refer to as a "[GNU]/[Hurd]" system. In practice, this terminology has not caught on much.
9 PeterHewett 6
7 Check out the WellThoughtOutReasonsToRunLinux.
1 WikiAdmin 8
9 ----
10 Part of CategoryOperatingSystem