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Short version:

First on DIGITAL;
Then on Macintosh for years;
Learning Linux now.

Longer version:

First on RSTS/E,
PDP-11 tricks--
And then came the VAX.

VMS was fun.
32 bits--much more room.
Terminals were slow.

Why so cool? Bitmapped displays!
Just blew me away.

Macs were beautiful:
Quickdraw, Toolbox, Finder, fonts...
Bitch to program, though.

Heard about Linux.
Took a while to see the point;
So much power--free.

Twenty-five years on,
I'm still learning every day.
Will it never end? :)

Contributed to (among other things): AppleTalk AuthoritativeNameServer CompactDisc ControllingTerminal CorporateProgramming Delegation DVD dvdauthor DVDVideo FFmpeg HereStrings LinuxHistory LocalLoop LowCostLinuxPC MeetingTopics.2007-02-26 MicrosoftCompatible MythicalManMonth OomKiller ProcessRelationships SealedBonnetFallacy SpacesInPathNames SpamAssassinNotes SRV XSessionErrors

Fun sign: ClulusMaximus


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