Knoppix 3.1 creates Ext3 FileSystems with an extra option which fsck(8) on Debian Woody does not support. This prevents Woody from booting. You can fix this by issuing tune2fs -O ^dir_index device after creating the FileSystem.
Knoppix should automagically find an existing swap Partition on boot and use it. This will make the whole system much faster (remember that it has no real disk, only RamDisk by default). Alternatively you can set up a file called swapfile in the root directory of any non-NTFS partition and Knoppix will use that as a swap file.
The Remastering Knoppix Howto explains how to create your own custom Knoppix-based LinuxDistribution.
WlugKnoppix is such a customised Knoppix distribution made specifically by WLUG.
One page links to KnoppixNotes: