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The Kiaora CD is BruceKingsbury's own CD of Free Software for Windows, similar to TheOpenCD or GnuWinII, since neither of these two CD's contained exactly the software I usually want to install.

Version 0.0.0 was a mess, version 0.0.1 was marginally better, 0.0.3 was almost OK. Version 0.0.5 included Vidomi which is not completely free..! (GnuWinII appear to have made the same mistake.)

Kiaora 008 was released on Sep 9 2006.

More programs, less sources! There's now a separate iso image and offer-to-mail for the sources since they occupy almost twice the space of the binaries and most people will never use them.


  • The CD is still web-page based, but then so are most cover CD's so I've decided this is not such a bad thing. I really do want a proper CD browser eventually.
  • Finally figured out how to repackage OOo so that it installs itself using a 7zip SFX archive, but as of OOo2 this hack is no longer necessary.
  • BrianKemp has repackaged Really Slick Screensavers for me using the Spoon Installer. Most of the other software comes with it's own installer, but we will probably (in the next CD) repackage OOo to have the dictionaries preinstalled, and tuxpaint as a single file with a checkbox for the optional 'rubber stamps'.
  • I would still like to do a kiwi version of the TuxPaint stamps, but this job never quite reaches the top of my TODO list. Perhaps someone else at WLUG could look into this? We must keep ahead of The Australians.

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