Annotated edit history of Kate version 9, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 AristotlePagaltzis 1 [Kate |] (acronym for [KDE] Advanced Text Editor) is a [GUI] multi-file TextEditor that comes with [KDE]. It features an attached console whose working directory tracks the containing directory of the file currently being edited. Syntax highlighting for the following ProgrammingLanguage~s is included:
3 ShaneHowearth 2
5 AristotlePagaltzis 3 * [C]
4 * [C++]
5 * [Java]
6 * [Python]
7 * [Perl]
8 * [HTML]
9 * JavaScript
10 * [CSS]
11 * [Ruby]
12 * [PHP]
6 ShaneHowearth 13 * [XML]
9 ShaneHowearth 14 * [VHDL]
5 AristotlePagaltzis 15 * … and possibly others.
3 ShaneHowearth 16
5 AristotlePagaltzis 17 !! Some handy bindings
3 ShaneHowearth 18
5 AristotlePagaltzis 19 (These keybindings may also work for other editors, such as Kates older sister, KWrite.)
3 ShaneHowearth 20
5 AristotlePagaltzis 21 ;Ctrl d: Comment the highlighted line
22 ;Ctrl Shift d: Uncomment the highlighted line
23 ;Ctrl s : Save
24 ;Ctrl v : Paste
25 ;Ctrl c : Copy
26 ;Ctrl x : Cut the highlighted area
27 ;Ctrl z : Undo
28 ;Ctrl k : Delete line
29 ;Ctrl Backspace : Delete word left
30 ;Ctrl Del : Delete word right
31 ;Ctrl t : Transpose characters
32 ;Ctrl p : Print
33 ;Ctrl q : Quit
34 ;Ctrl w : Close window
35 ;Ctrl n : New
36 ;Ctrl a : Select all
37 ;Ctrl f : Find
38 ;Ctrl r : Replace
39 ;Ctrl g : Go to line
40 ;Ctrl j : Delete line ending
41 ;Ctrl k : Delete line
42 ;Ctrl o : Open file
43 ;Ctrl i : Indent line(indents all selected lines)
44 ;Ctrl Shift i: Unindent selected lines
45 ;Ctrl -: Expand/collapse code loops
7 ShaneHowearth 46
8 ShaneHowearth 47 ;F3: Same as Ctrl f
48 ;F11: Show/Hide line numbering
3 ShaneHowearth 49
5 AristotlePagaltzis 50 !! Movement Shortcuts
52 ;Ctrl Home: Beginning of document
53 ;Home: Beginning of line
54 ;Ctrl ~PgDn: Bottom of view
55 ;Ctrl End: End of line
56 ;Ctrl 6: Matching bracket
57 ;Ctrl ~PgUp: Top of view
58 ;Ctrl Left: Word left
59 ;Ctrl Right: Word right
61 Adding the shift key to a move shortcut (eg. Ctrl Shift Home) will select the text between the current position and the destination.