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Top bloke.

An OpenVMS SME and a student of the Linux ways

An aptly named lover of BigIron! :)

Also known for great gatherings and which alway involve lots of alcohol, TreeMan and someone passing out.

Keen gamer and arranger of LAN's. The next LAN is scheduled for mid November. Checkout the LAN gaming page for information.

Player of paintball and receiver of pain

He is giver of old Alpha hardware and owner much including

  • AlphaServer 800
  • AlphaServer 400
  • VaxStation? 3100
  • Duron 1GHZ
  • Athlon 1800XP
  • Athlon 2100XP
  • Athlon 2400XP x2
  • Athlon64 3400
  • Sun Sparcstation 5

Also has a keen interest in HomeAutomation. Currently building a RedHat based automation server using to control various devices including lighting, water sprinklers, MP3's etc. Will put together a WLUG presentation once its up and running.

Non-geek interests include cycling (Road and off road), Rock Climbing, Sqaush (though not very good), Tramping, Boxing, Gym (Les Mills).

Currently after a cycling, rock climbing and gym partner. Let me know if your interested.

Website can be found at, or contact via email on


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