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!!Things to do before an installfest This is the list from 2005 - if you're arranging another installfest, please archive this page and use the steps as guidelines for things you might not want to forget! <?plugin OldStyleTable | __Action__ | __Assigned To__ | __Comments__ | __Completion__ | Talk to: Recycled Tech | CraigBox | Emailled 24/3 | Decided against using | Talk to: NZ Computer Sales | CraigBox | Emailled, to follow up | Decided against using | Talk to: Dick Smith | MattBrown | Waiting on parts | __done__ | Get Ubuntu CDs | CraigBox | Canonical confirmed to supply | looking unlikely | Publicity | CraigBox | Nexus | Left too late | Publicity | CraigBox | Week-Before Follow Up | __done__ | Information web pages (don't use WinModem etc) | | | To come after installfest | WLUG/OSS Info sheets | JohnMcPherson | use old ones | __done__ | Checklist for installing Linux on a PC | CraigBox | InstallFestCheckList, Craig to do print version | __done__ | Arrange tables/chairs | JamieCurtis | | being delievered tonight | Arrange power distribution | JamieCurtis | Need extension cords | __done__ | Arrange network gear | JamieCurtis | Gear arrived | | Arrange wireless gear | JamieCurtis | CRCnet gear | | Arrange presentations | GreigMcGill | I will present 15-20 mins on what Linux is, and how we got here. CraigBox will present 5-10 minutes on how to use a basic Linux desktop. Other volunteers are welcome. We will rotate as required. | | Arrange servers | JamieCurtis | | __done__ | Collect updates for supported distributions | CraigBox | transproxy works | __done__ | Arrange food/drink | CraigBox | Talk to Dan & Crawshaw | | Arrange phone line/PABX | PerryLorier | Approached LindsayDruett - something currently being arranged | | Arrange server to have modem answer | JamieCurtis | | | Arrange photographer/s | GreigMcGill | KyleCarter will take photos, AlexandraMcGill will take random DV. | __done__ | Arrange Windows OSS CDs | CraigBox | To burn when DSE cds arrive | __40 done__ | Arrange printer | DanielLawson | | | Get bandwidth | CraigBox | Need to email RL on Thursday | __done__ | Big canvas banner | CraigMckenna | | not happening | WLUG business cards | CraigMckenna | bad cutting but | __done__ | Signposts |CraigMckenna | Happening Friday | __done__ | Do anything with a disclaimer? | CraigBox | InstallFestLegalese | __done__ | Send out confirmation emails to participants | JohnMcPherson | on Thursday, or Friday? | __done__ | Send registration summary (requests, etc) to cmte list | JohnMcPherson | Friday todo morning | __done__ | Buy/organise sticky labels, masking tape | CraigBox | Leftovers from last year | __done__ ?> !List of suggested presentations * How to be a good member of the Internet * How to use a mailing list * Keeping your Windows/Linux up to date * ThingsToDoWithYourLinuxBox * entertainment -- all those silly little Linux games? !Things we've already finished <?plugin OldStyleTable | Decide on a date | everyone | __Sat 7 May__ | __done__ | Book venue | DanielLawson | Booked for 7 & 14 May | __done__ | Advertise | CraigBox | [InstallFestPressRelease.2005-05-07] | __done__ | Publicity | CraigBox | http://www.hamiltonevents.co.nz | __done__ | Publicity | CraigBox | linux.net.nz | __done__ | Publicity | CraigBox | New poster | __done__ | Publicity | CraigBox | Waikato Times | Printed Sat 16/4 | Publicity | CraigBox | Hamilton Press | Printed Wed 20/4 | Signup web page | GreigMcGill | use [last year's one|http://www.wlug.org.nz/archive/installfest/registration.php] (just needs to be re-enabled) | __done__ | Decide on supported distributions |WlugCommittee |Decision made? Ubuntu Hoary | __done__ | Arrange PA system | CraigBox | Crawshaw have | __done__ ?> ---- CategoryAdministration
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