Blame: IncorporatedSociety
Annotated edit history of IncorporatedSociety version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 CraigBox 1 An IncorporatedSociety is a legal entity that has been registered under the __Incorporated Societies Act__. Becoming an IncorporatedSociety allows a group or organisation to run its affairs as if it were an individual person. Any group of 15 or more people may form an IncorporatedSociety -- companies and other Incorporated Societies may be members of an IncorporatedSociety but they only count as one member.
1 MattBrown 2
3 An IncorporatedSociety is able to do anything provided
4 AristotlePagaltzis 4 * it is lawful,
5 * it is not for the financial gain of the members,
6 * and it is authorised by the rules.
1 MattBrown 7
6 IanMcDonald 8 Incorporated societies are administered through the NZ Companies Office. For more information refer to the government incorporated society website -
3 CraigBox 9
4 AristotlePagaltzis 10 The president of the [WLUG] at time of own incorporation, DanielLawson, has written a NewZealandIncorporatedSocietyHowto.